Wineries & Restaurants

Wineries & Winery Restaurants
*Wineries with food
10 Chains
Wine available to purchase at bottleshops - Cellar door closed. ​
Phone: +61 438 954 513
Open Wed-Sun and School Hols 7 days
Food to be preordered unless food trucks are in.
Check Facebook and website posts for details.
Phone: 9842 8413
Wines available at local liquor outlets & restaurants
Donnelly River Winery - see Ampersand Estates
Renamed and rebranded
Phone: 9776 1437
Open 10am – 4pm Wed-Sun & Some Public Hols
Closed however you may find their wine in bottle shops ​
Lost Lake Wines
Phone: 9776 1251
Renovating so look for signs! Wine available at bottle shops.
Mountford Winery & Tangletoe Cidery
Phone: 9776 1345
Open: Friday - Monday 10am - 4pm
School Holidays Open 7 days 10am – 4pm
Phone: 0448 185 162
Open: Special Appointment only
Pemberton Hotel Bottle Shop
Phone: 9776 1017
Open 10am—10pm Mon—Sat 12—8pm Sun Sales only
Phone: 9776 1161
Open: 10am–7pm Mon—Sat Sales only
Wines available at local liquor outlets & restaurants including Hidden River Estate
Wines available at local liquor outlets & restaurants if you are lucky. Winery closed in 2019.
Silkwood Wines & Restaurant *
Phone: 97761535 or 97761584
Open: 10am – 4pm Fri – Mon - YUMM!
All local wines available to try.
Phone: 9777 2052
Phone: 9776 1654
Open Wed-Fri 4pm - 10pm, Sat 2pm - 10pm and Sun 2pm - 9pm
Phone: 9777 2474
Open 7 Days Cellar Door 10-4pm - Book in for Lunch
Phone: 0412 027 992
Wines available at local bottle shops. ​

Pemberton has the cool climate and the superb rich soils that enable the growing of award winning wines. Most of the wineries and vineyards in Pemberton are open on daily basis offering the visitor tastings.
If you would like a copy of the Southern Forests Wine Map sent to you please email the Southern Forests Wine Region Association directly.