Emergency Information
Unfortunately the last thing you want to think about on holiday, however here are a list of local people who can help should you be in an emergency situation:
Pemberton, like most country towns, operates with a Volunteer Fire and Rescue Brigade and Volunteer St Johns Ambulance – so if you see them around fundraising for these respective causes any donation would be appreciated.
Most of the numbers should be phone friendly – so you should just be able to click on the number to call.
Emergency 000
Chiropractor - we have 2 in Manjimup and one who visits Pemberton, Warren District Chiropractic Centre 08 9771 2702 or Fetters Chiropractic 08 9771 8375
Dentist (Manjimup) Ipsen St Dental Clinic – Manjimup (08) 9771 2308 or Manjimup Dental Clinic (Giblett St) Manjimup (08) 9771 1228
Department of Environment & Conservation (National Parks) 97761207 – international +61897761207
Doctor: Pemberton Medical Centre 97761101 or +61897761101 OR Manjimup Medical Centre (Pemberton office) 9771 1133 or +61897711133
FESA (Manjimup) – 97716800 or +61897716800 (dial 000 in an emergency)
Physiotherapists (Pemberton) 0897761014 or Manjimup 0438 950 996
Police 131444 (dial 000 in an emergency)
Pemberton Garage (24 Hr Fuel ) 97761288 or +61897761288
Mechanic - Mike the Mechanic
Fuels West – 24 Hour Fuel – Located in the LIA in Manjimup
Pemberton – Northcliffe Health Service (hospital) 97764000 or +61897764000 (dial 000 for Ambulance)
RAC 131703
SES – Manjimup 9771 2773 or +61897712773
Veterinary clinic – Manjimup 9771 2199 or +61897712199
Wildlife Carer - Southern Forests Wildlife - Pauline Hewitt (Messenger is best)