Services, Fuel, Shopping & Dr's

Church Services
Anglican / Uniting Services
1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday 11am
2nd & 4th Sunday 10.30am
@ the Uniting Church
Catholic Church Services
1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday 8.30am
2nd & 4th Sunday 10.30am
@ Sacred Heart Church
Pemberton Library (RSL Hall)
Open 1pm - 5pm Mon,
9am - 1.30pm Wed,
10am - 12.30pm Fri & 9am - 12pm Sat
Commonwealth (Brockman St) 24hr ATM
Phone: 9776 4300 (check as it has changed)
9.30am - 12.30pm Mon, Wed & Thurs
Commonwealth / NAP / Westpac and all other major banking agency (not ANZ)
(Pemberton Post & Newsagency)
Phone: 9776 1034
Open 7 days
8am - 5pm Mon-Fri
8am - 1pm Sat
8am - 11am Sun
& P/Hols
Emergency Contacts
​(Dial 000 for Emergency)
Phone: 13 14 44
Phone: 9776 4000 Pemberton
Phone: 9777 0300 Manjimup
Pemberton Medical Centre
Phone: 9776 1101
Pemberton Pharmacy
Phone: 9776 1054
Fishing & Camping Supplies
Pemberton Garage
Phone: 9776 1288
7am - 6pm Mon-Fri
7am - 1pm Sat
8am - 1pm Sun
24 Hour Fuel Access
Pemberton General Store & Hardware
Phone:9776 1151
Open 7 days
7.30am - 7.30pm
Pemberton Caravan Park - Waste Dump Station $5 fee
Phone: 9776 1500
Open 7 days
WA Wilderness; Camping hire
Phone: 0427133335
Fisheries License available online
Visit secure.fish.wa.gov.au/fish/
Fuel & Repairs
Pemberton Bike Company (Bicycle repairs)
Phone: 0467 442 417
By Appointment
Pemberton Garage
Phone: 9776 1288
7am - 6pm Mon-Fri
7am - 1pm Sat
8am - 1pm Sun
24 Hour Fuel Access
Southern Forest Hire Cars
Phone: 0499 014 016
Bookings Essential
Groceries, Food & Drink
Pemberton Liquor Barons
Phone: 9776 1161
10am - 7pm
Mon - Sat
‘Ernies’ IGA Supermarket
Phone: 9776 1264
8am - 6pm Mon - Sat
9am - 6pm Sun
Pemberton General Store, Hardware, Clothing & Mountain Bike Hire
Phone: 9776 1151
Open 7 days
7.30am - 7.30pm
Pemberton Hotel Bottle Shop
Phone: 9776 1017
Open 7 days
10am-10pm Mon-Sat
12-8pm Sun
Phone: 0466 891 057
Manovert IT
Phone: 0403 004 254
For all your computer needs
Brockman St (Next to General Store)
6am-7pm daily
Ellis St (behind Post Office)
6am - 7pm daily
Real Estate
Phone: 0418 955 395/ 9776 0000
9am-5pm Mon-Fri
Sat 9-1pm
For such a small town, Pemberton offers a lot to visitors and locals alike, and with Manjimup just under 30 min up the road, complete with larger service stores and government agencies, there are few reasons to leave!
This list is quite Pemberton specific - with Northcliffe having a look in!
Pemberton is located 2 hours travelling time from Bunbury and only 1.5 hours from Busselton. Both major city centres.