Pemberton 'FREE MAP'
The Pemberton Free map started its life in 2006, this is the 2018/2019th edition and can be downloaded for free.
It is WAAAAAAAYYY out of date however is still a useful tool. We will be updating it shortly and hope that it has another life with our Pemberton CRC assisting the production.
We print it in green makes it easier for users to locate landmarks and services, making it a fabulous tool for us tour operators to show our customers where the tours go!
The 2018/2019 version sees a change in icons and also updates the stalls in the region with an avocado icon.
For direct links to businesses click on the interactive version to the right.
For necessary changes please email

Dalai Lama

Special Events in the Region
Contact Visitor Centres for more detail
26 January - Australia Day Breakfast & Celebrations
March - Karri Valley Triathlon, Pemberton
Late May - Targa South West Rally
April Relentless Blue XCO Mountain Bike event
April WAGE Gravity Enduro Mountain Bike, Pemberton
Easter - Pemberton Arts Group “Annual Exhibition”
Late April - Northcliffe Karri Cup (Mountain Bike Event)
Late April - May - Pinot Picnic
Last weekend in June - Truffle Kerfuffle, Manjimup
- Sept to Nov - Blooming Wild F estival
Queens Birthday LWE - Pemberton Arts Group “Annual Art Prize”
Sept/Oct - Manjimup Blue Grass & Old Time Music Weekend
Sept/Oct - Quinninup Annual Market Day
Oct/Nov - PDMBC Club Gravity Series, Mountain Bike Event, Pemberton
1-2nd November - Pemberton Avocado Festival
Dec (2nd weekend) - Cherry Harmony Festival
31st December - New Years Eve at the Pemberton Hotel
Arts, Community & Tourist Information
Phone: 9776 1133
Open: 7 Days
Winter Hours 9.30-3.00pm
Summer: 9am - 3pm Mon- Thurs, Fri& Sat 9am - 4pm Sun 10-2
Phone: 9776 7203
Open: 7 days 9am-4pm
Department of Parks & Wildlife
Donnelly District Office
Phone: 9776 1207
Corner Kennedy St & Johnson
/Burma Rd enroute to the Gloucester Tree.
Pemberton Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Pemberton Community Resource Centre
Phone: 9776 1745
Open 9am-4.30pm Mon & Fri 9am - 2pm Tues, Wed & Thurs
Phone: 9776 7203
100.0 FM at attractions on the Karri Forest Explorer Drive