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ABOUT US started life as the website domain for Pemberton Karri Forest Adventures in 2001. We were a group of like minded tour operators located here in Pemberton.
These included businesses which have since stopped operating including Dusty Spurs Horseriding, Wandering Vintage Wine Tours as well as existing businesses like Andy's Pemberton Hiking and Canoeing and our Pemberton Discovery Tours.
After 2001, when insurance skyrocketed, we lost a lot of small tour operators - so it became even more important to make sure that Pemberton remained strong on the tourist scene and that quality tours were recognised.
We kept the website running and it has changed emphasis over time changing from just a tour site to an all town site and now in this change returning to showing why you should come to Pemberton, do our ecotour and stay with us... and if not at least find another reason to return!
In the meantime please enjoy - should you find information incorrect or requires updating - please let us know so we can fix it! 

Susan Sontag

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